Mutual Fund Portfolio Management
Accubucks Solution aspect involves making decisions about which securities to buy, hold, or sell within the mutual fund to achieve the fund's investment objectives.

5.0 Ratings
Our Accubucks Solution experts aims to achieve the fund's objectives while considering risk tolerance and market conditions. Investors who invest in mutual funds benefit from the expertise of professional portfolio managers who manage the complexities of investment decisions, aiming to generate favorable returns over the long term.
About Mutual Fund Portfolio Management:

Services Included
Investment Strategy Development
Portfolio Analysis
Asset Allocation
Diversification Planning
Risk Management
Customized Solutions
Tax Efficiency
Consultancy and Guidance

How It's Done:
Step to avail Services!
This plan is equipped with end-to-end online fulfillment via our expert. No hassle, 100% Digital.
Purchase of our Mutual Fund Portfolio Management Plan
Session with Accubucks Solution Expert
Client Consultation
Assessment and Strategy Development
Asset Allocation
Fund Selection
Portfolio Implementation
Ongoing Monitoring and Management
Risk Management and Adjustments

Documents Required:
Client Information
Financial Details
Authorization and Agreements
Investment Documents
Mutual Fund Account Information
Can firm registration be done Online?Yes, Registration can be done online by submitting all documents on government websites.
I am a sole trader. Do I need TAN registration?TAN is Tax Deduction and Collection number which is needed if you are responsible for deducting tax at source on behalf of Income Tax Department. It is also quoted in various challans, returns etc. Not every proprietor is required to get a TAN unless it is required due to the nature of his business or profession. ClearTax expert will advise you if you need to obtain TAN.
What is a Proprietorship?A proprietorship/sole trading firm is a business that is owned and run by an individual person. The owner and the business are treated one and same. Proprietor is personally liable for all business debts i.e his personal property may also be used to repay business debts. Proprietorships are not regulated by any particular Act, hence there is no registration. Every buiness needs registration under Shop & Establishment Act whether it is providing a service or dealing in goods. Other registrations such as GST etc depend upon nature of product/service.
Still, have doubts?You can asked to our experts. Contact now!
Is it cost effective to start a Sole Proprietorship?Yes, it is very cost-effective to start a Sole Proprietorship as no specific registration is required and no charges are charged by the government.
Which is the cheapest to run an LLP or a private limited company?LLP is Cheaper and have Minimum Compliance norms as compare to Private Limited Company.
What are common businesses run by Sole Proprietors?Most Local Business like, Karyana store, grocery, Wholesale , Retail and Manufacturing.
I am a Owner of CPA Firm in Canada, How can outsourcing accounting work for my client help me?If you outsource your accounting work to us it will help reduce your accounting cost which you pay in your country . You will get Same quality of work on time and that too at a cheaper price. With this you can effectively manage your work also as you can attend more clients without the headache of how the work will be completed on time
Will my documents, data and information will be kept secret ?Yes your documents, data and information will be kept secret and no transfer of such secret details are shared outside.
How will i share data for foreign accounting?You can share data through email or can provide access to system through cloud based access which ever is comfortable to you.
Will I get same quality of work as I get in my Country?Yes you will receive best quality of work from our team of experts. To reward you will shall share sample work first with you and after your satisfaction we shall start charge you.